Sit down with a doctor or registered nurse who is specifically trained in the field of aesthetic-medicine and learn about your options to delay the signs of ageing through a range of interventions. Our approach tailors your treatment plan to your unique needs and aesthetic desires, aimed at a refreshed and healthier appearance.
What happens during the consult?
Discuss your concerns and motivations about your appearance with a doctor or registered nurse, trained in the field of medi-aesthetics. This personalised assessment will help you understand your concerns and the causes of ageing and the options available. You will also have all of your questions answered by a trained professional and be assessed for suitability. This is followed by a custom treatment plan and a discussion of options suited to your motivations and budget.
Who can have an anti-ageing consult?
Anti-ageing consults are ideal for adults seeking to address and prevent signs of ageing, tailored to fit a wide range of skin types and concerns. This service is not exclusively for those with clear signs of ageing. Most adults can benefit, unless found to be unsuitable during the consultation. Women who are currently pregnant or breastfeeding will not be offered treatment.
Can I go ahead with treatment on the same day?
In most cases there will be an opportunity to proceed with treatment after your consult. If you are seen by a nurse, you will also have a consult with the prescribing doctor. Certain services may require products to be ordered or time allowed in a follow up appointment.
Is there a cost for a consult?
Consultations are either complimentary or require a $50-$100 deposit for specific practitioners only. This can be deducted from treatment costs within 3 months.
You will be advised of this prior to attending the appointment.
Due to restrictions on advertising pricing and specific information for anti-ageing services, we welcome you to have all your questions answered and obtain a realistic quote in consultation with our medical staff. These consultations are either complementary or require a deposit that can be used towards treatment. Our customer service team would be happy to assist you to book this.