Contact Us - Renaissance Cosmetic Clinic Australia
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Contact Us

1300 568 348 

SMS 0483915825 (or call) 

Scan to SMS or Call 0483915825 (3).png

If you have a question or would like to request an appointment, please fill in the following form and our customer service team will respond ASAP. Please include your preferred clinic, practitioner and desired treatment (if known).


For a full list of clinic locations please see the Locations page.



What if I need more urgent help after a treatment?​


Inside of regular operating hours (9-6pm Mon-Fri, 9-1pm Saturday, WA time) contact Renaissance Clinics on 1300 568 348 to book a review or speak to a health care professional.

​Out of hours, all phone calls will be answered by a messaging service, which will be responded to ASAP. If you can’t reach us and are concerned that you require urgent medical care, please don’t delay calling an ambulance or presenting to your GP or nearest emergency department.

Still leave us a message so we can respond ASAP and assist if the issue is related to your cosmetic treatment.




Renaissance Clinics After Hours Messaging Service


(Medical Concerns ONLY)

08 94277301

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